Joint Repair Clinic of Montana offers regenerative medicine in Bozeman, MT including umbilical cord tissue allograft injections, platelet-rich plasma injections, and prolotherapy for joint pain. View our patient case studies featuring resolved joint pain videos.
An injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in the knee can have many benefits after a knee injury or if you are dealing with arthritis. PRP helps to accelerate healing along with Hyaluronic Acid (HA) to produce more lubrication naturally. They also provide anti-inflammatory properties & powerful pain relief that can help you recover from your injury faster or make dealing with arthritis less painful.
The broad field of pain-relieving anabolic injections focuses on stimulating your body’s own internal pharmacy to improve the site of your injury in the following ways:
– accelerating the healing process
– shutting down inflammation
– limiting scar formation
– recruiting the body’s stem-cell-derived self-repair cells to regenerate damaged tissue
At The Stone Clinic, we combine PRP with HA to create a broadly stimulating “cocktail” to induce a healing response in both non-operative and post-operative patients.
To find out if we can help you, call The Stone Clinic at 📞 +1 (415) 563-3110 for an appointment or arrange a complimentary virtual consultation 💻 at: https://www.stoneclinic.com/consult.
#prp #plateletrichplasma
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