Iliotibial Band Syndrome | Sports Related Knee Pain | Prolotherapy for IT Band Syndrome

Joint Repair Clinic of Montana offers regenerative medicine in Bozeman, MT including umbilical cord tissue allograft injections, platelet-rich plasma injections, and prolotherapy for joint pain. View our patient case studies featuring resolved joint pain videos.

Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is where a tendon called the iliotibial band gets irritated or swollen from rubbing against your hip or knee bones. The tendon is on the outside of your leg, and it goes from the top of your pelvic bone down to your knee. It rubs against your bones when it gets too tense (tight).

Prolotherapy is an effective option for the treatment of IT band syndrome.

Prolotherapy is an alternative, injection-based form of treatment that grows new tissue in injured or worn-down places. It harnesses the body’s natural healing capabilities to reconnect torn ligaments and stabilize stretched or weakened tissue. As a result, the patient’s pain can subside and their joints can become strong again.

If you are a runner or an athlete sidelined with an iliotibial band injury, we can help!
Call us for an appointment today.

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